by Jym

YEAR OF THE QUI (WATER) BOAR 4682. Third Moon: Resolution, 4/13 5/12.

To move beyond problems by breaking thur is determination. We overcome,

by pursuring that which is good.

To determine your sign, check for your year of birth at the entry for each sign.,

RAT: 1900-112-124-136-148-160-172

Females read DOG: A good time to solve your problems and move toward the Spring season. Bring out that which you have kept hidden within. Be persistant.

OX: 1901-13-125-137-149-161-173

Females read COCK: Clear away the unnecessary and balance your life. Reflect on what you see ahead. Nourture that vision, keep to your course and you will go far. TIGER: 1902-114-126-138-150-162-174 Females read MONKEY: Change things one at a time. Calm your situations and talk about what has been blocked up inside. Be a little more sensitive. CAT: 1903-115-127-139-151-163-'75 Females read RAM: Learn to express that inner potential. Control your tendency to "put-it-off": You need to be decisive. Use all that energy and be firm.

DRAGON: 1904-'16-'28-140-152-164-176 Females read HORSE: Helping and being helped at work is in focus for you this month. Charitability will help you overcome many potential obstacles.

SNAKE: 1905-17-129-141-153-165-'77 Females read SNAKE: As you become more understanding and less hottempered things will begin to move ahead for you. Enjoy your Spring look for something special to be there.

HORSE: 1906-118-130-142-154-166-178

Females read DRAGON: Your misfortunes will be passing as more poeple will be coming to your aid. Establish better finances. Rethink career goals. RAM: 1907-19-131-143-155-167-179 Females read CAT: Seek out the source of your strength and hold onto it. Make changes only on firm fact. Say what you will do and then do it! Transform.

MONKEY: 1908-120-132-144-156-168-180 Females read TIGER: After your unexpected difficulty of last month, you will find yourself helping others up. Don't excessively worry: Concentrate on resolving issues. Things will balance out.

COCK: 1909-121-133-145-157-169-181 Females read OX: It's your turn to watch the money. Don't agitate your nervous nature: Calm youself: Maintain composure. Make deed plans and establish firm foundations.

DOG: 1910-122-134-146-158-170-182 Females read RAT: Be strong. Overcome your weaknesses. You need to be more active and loving. Don't depend so much on others. Be a little less defensive. You can change for the better.

BOAR: 1911-123-135-147-159-171-183

Females read BOAR: Use some of that reckless courage and begin to do things on a grand scale. Don't allow yourself to stagnate. Return to life.

FOR A NEW PERSPECTIVE...FOR UNDERSTANDING. Charts Available to meet your needs. TERMS AVAILABLE to meet your budget. Other types of Readings available. Group sessions and rates............CALL JYM 631-8281





Saturday, April 2nd



Saturday April 16th.

CHAPS from Cincinnati

Saturday/April 30th.


4 ACTION 4-83